Our COWBelles gathered at 10am and set up a wonderful display of necklaces, earrings, bracelets, bookmarks and sparkling lightcatchers for the community Mother's Day morning tea held with the generous cake and coffee donation from Glebe's Hopestreet mission.
The Old Firestation was abuzz with chat and laughter as local women (and a few curious men!) cruised up and down the sales displays choosing their favourite trinkets and stockpiling them at their coffee tables while they waited to pay. Ladies tried on their purchases and compared colours, shapes and designs with each other.
Glebe doyen Sarah has recently moved house and donated several treasures for sale to help raise extra funds for COWBelles. I must admit I had to fend off several contenders for the glorious porcelain teapot in the shape of Edinburgh Castle!! It is just beautiful and now has pride of place in my kitchen!
Our great thanks and appreciation must go to Julie and Geoff, both of Hopestreet and of course, dedicated volunteer Nina for the yummy devonshire tea provided free to our community Mums and Nannas. Beside the jam and cream laden scones, there were a selection of unusual and very tempting treats provided by generous community members to accompany our coffee orders and much 'I'm just tasting' went on all morning.
COWBelles raised $200 and considerable confidence from the fundraising morning and another is being planned. The COWBelles inaugural findraiser was a very enjoyable and tasty community led initiative, it was a pleasure to be there! Photos of the event can be seen by clicking the link at right.