Hello to all!
It's been a busy month behind the scenes for COWBelles this last month or so.
Our Internet presence is slowly growing with our little influence on 3 websites so far and more to come as I get a grip on the whole social media thing!! Maybe in modern terms I am a bit of a dinosaur to still value paper-based promotion but there is also the proven influence of the Internet in getting the word out about our group activities, so the need and time to learn all this 'new-fangled' stuff has arrived! Very frustrating though......several times I have threatened to push my computer off the table!!!!
We received notification from City of Sydney about our Matching Grant application and it appears we have made it through the first round of assessments! Very excited but still have fingers crossed we go all the way. So many new craft possibilites but we will definitely need the money to make them happen.
Adding new jewellery skills to my repetoire so will have wonderfully quirky new approaches to 'jewellery' when we expand in June. Felt, polymer clay, and odd bits of 'junk' will materialise as pretty objects for neck and ear ornaments when we grow our interests mid-year. Definitely looking forward to the wonderfully experimental jewellery that our COWBelles are sure to create.
Our group is settling in to the necessary changes that have happened with COW and COWBelles now that our fabulous Beckie has left us and had her baby............by the way, was Cordelia BEAUTIFUL or just BEAUTIFUL!!!! last Friday, 15th when Bec came to visit us with baby in tow? So many sooky, cooing 'nannas' handing Cordelia about. Both mother and daughter looked well and fabulous as they were off to see Dad graduate from Uni. (Congratulations Ethan, we are proud of you!) I know all COW members want the best for this young family!!
Some of the changes affecting COWBelles are our self-funding for a period of time while the Grant is considered and a slight change to the bus booking proceedure. It is taking a little time to get used to the changes but the Belles are a committed lot and take change in their stride. A copy of the COWBelles April Newsletter is available to read at right in the 'Publications' list.
A sturdy group of COW members is set to convene en masse at the Old Firestation on Friday 29 April for the unpleasant but very necessary bi-annual visit to the BreastScreen clinic. Inventive as usual, they have booked the community bus to take them as a mutually supportive group, along with books, food, cross word puzzles and crafty bits, to the Prince Alfred clinic to have their breast checks and provide community support to each other while they wait. A great example of the closeness of support that is such a fundamental mainstay of women in Glebe's community.
Finally but most importantly!!......we are having our first fundraising sale for Mother's Day!!!!!!! Yay!!
On Friday 6th May COWBelles will hold it's first fundraiser at the Old Firestation from 11am-2pm. The ladies will show off their handmade jewellery treasures amid tea, coffee and homemade treats. We are inviting people to come along have a look at our jewellery, buy some of course and stop for a chat about the great Mum, or Nanna! in their life. We are looking forwrd to a great community day. The flyer can be seen in the 'Publications' listing at lright.